Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Back on Track!

Finally, I feel as though I'm back on track with my workouts. Last week I made it to the gym before 6 am Monday thru Friday, which considering my recent track record, that's pretty impressive!So far I'm really enjoying this new workout routine. I think I mentioned previously what my new routine is. But just in case, I'll go ahead and repeat what I'm doing here:

Monday - Chest (2), Shoulders (1), and Triceps (2)
Tuesday - Calf (2), Abs (2)
Wednesday - Cardio
Thursday - Back (2), Biceps (2)
Friday - Full leg (1), Quad (1), Ham (1)
Saturday - Cardio/optional
Sunday - Off

Anyway, there's the new routine and so far it's working great. Here are the main benefits that I've experienced so far: since I'm doing fewer overall exercises, I can really make sure that I focus my energy on the intensity of the workout and other factors, rather than just making sure that I hurry through everything so that I hit as many exercises as possible.I also wrote recently about my opinions on some of the cardio machines out there. The main thing is, right now I feel that resistance training is more important for what I'm trying to do. Even though I might consider myself in a cutting phase, I really focus my intensity of resistance training instead of cardio. That may change in the next while, but we'll see what happens.


At 4:49 AM, Blogger Ashley said...

Love your blog , you are doing a great job. Swing by mine, check things out and leave a comment or sign my guestbook. Have a great day

At 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been struggling with what to do to start my exercise routine.

I have a Bowflex, treadmill and heavy bag that I bought as part of my 2004 New Year's Resolution.

So far my trip back to being fit has only been cutting back on over-eating, drink more water etc...

The work out routine hasn't quite happened yet.

I do like your plan of:

Monday - Chest (2), Shoulders (1), and Triceps (2)
Tuesday - Calf (2), Abs (2)
Wednesday - Cardio
Thursday - Back (2), Biceps (2)
Friday - Full leg (1), Quad (1), Ham (1)
Saturday - Cardio/optional
Sunday - Off

Thinking back to the days when I was in shape I would have done chest and back on the same day to keep the opposing muscle group working at the same pace.

Maybe I did this in case I missed a workout???

What I do remember is to work opposing muscle groups to maintain a balance in order to avoid possible injury and strains.

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